compile a history 意味

  • 歴史書{れきししょ}を編さんする


  1. since 1910 , he was involved in inaugurating an association to compile a history of restoration .
  2. in the chinese cultural region , a newly-established dynasty was supposed to compile a history book to document the rights of their authority ,
  3. after the meiji restoration , it was also planned to compile a history book covering the period after rikkokushi , but it was not realized due to various reasons , and instead , dai nihon shiryo (the historical materials of japan ) was produced .
  4. for the kamakura bakufu , there is the official history text known as " azuma kagami " (a chronicle of the history of the kamakura bakufu ) and there was a similar text entitled " tokugawa jikki " for the edo bakufu , the long period of continued political instability meant that there was no opportunity to compile a history of the muromachi bakufu .


        compile a national history:    国史{こくし}を編さんする
        compile:     compile v. (資料 情報などを)収集してまとめる. 【副詞1】 a carefully compiled list 周到に収集されまとめられたリスト Billboard's record charts are compiled weekly. ?ビルボード?誌の(ポピュラー)レコードのヒットチャートは週単位にまとめられている. 【+前置詞】 t
        to compile:    to compile コンパイルする[電情]〈97確X0007:情報処理用語(プログラミング)〉
        history:     history n. 歴史, 歴史書, 来歴沿革; 経歴; (報告的な)話. 【動詞+】 affect the history of the world 世界の歴史に影響を及ぼす popular phrases that carry a history (意味は変遷しているが)昔から使われてきたなじみのある文句 an event that could ch
        history of:    ~の経歴
        in history:    in history 史上に しじょうに
        in the history of:    ~史上{しじょう}[の歴史上{れきしじょう}]で
        with a history of:    ~の歴史{れきし}[経歴{けいれき}?既往{きおう}]を持つ[がある]
        auto compile:    {名} :
        auto-compile:    {名} : 自動{じどう}コンパイル
        byte-compile:    byte-compile バイトコンパイル
        compile a bibliography:    書誌{しょし}を編さんする
        compile a chart:    海図{かいず}を編さんする
        compile a chronicle:    年代記{ねんだいき}を編さんする
        compile a concordance:    コンコーダンスを作る[編集{へんしゅう}する] He began to compile a concordance of Bible texts.


  1. "compile a final report featuring" 意味
  2. "compile a fruitful final report" 意味
  3. "compile a full-year budget for the next fiscal year" 意味
  4. "compile a glossary from various sources" 意味
  5. "compile a high-level language program" 意味
  6. "compile a lexicon" 意味
  7. "compile a list" 意味
  8. "compile a list of measures recognized as" 意味
  9. "compile a long list of" 意味
  10. "compile a glossary from various sources" 意味
  11. "compile a high-level language program" 意味
  12. "compile a lexicon" 意味
  13. "compile a list" 意味

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